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Matchi Master Discussion: Switching Innovation "On"


Matchi Master Discussion: Switching Innovation On

As the pace of change continues to accelerate, it is becoming more important for organizations to switch on their culture of innovation to achieve long-term success. As emphasised in the Workplace of the future report (https://home.kpmg.com/xx/en/home/insights/2009/08/frontiers-in-finance.html), creating an innovation culture is not a project or a task. Innovation culture is a by-product of broader business decisions. For this reason, leadership has the most critical role in sparking cultural change and encouraging that change to flourish over the long term. Looking at trends, we estimate 70 percent of the impact to culture comes from leadership decisions, guidance and modelled behaviours, while the remaining 30 percent is driven by elements such as training and engagement programs.

Listen to this conversation with Susie Quirk (Executive Director, People and Change Advisory Services in KPMG Australia) and Michael Stilger (Co-founder Qmarkets) to find out how to switch Innovation "On" in your organisation.

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