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KPMG Matchi Master Demo Session: Fincite and Scanovate


Matchi Master Demo - Modo

KPMG Matchi Live Demos are monthly online webinars where we invite 2 emerging technology firms per session to demo their solution to our KPMG colleagues around the world. The objective is to socialise these solutions with our colleagues and to give real client use cases for the types of solutions available to the global KPMG network via the KPMG Matchi platform.

This recording features the firms Fincite and Scanovate:

Fincite.CIOS is a modular digital wealth management software. Part of CIOS is the Aggregation Engine, where end-clients can aggregate all their financial assets. Another module is the Analytical Engine, where end-clients and advisors can get insights into the asset allocation and Performance and Risk of the client portfolio. Lastly there is the Advice Engine, which handles portfolio allocation and optimization and handles many different client- and investment restrictions on the financial institution and personal client level. All those engines can be used separately, in combination, or as basis for a financial institution’s proprietary solution.

Scanovate is an enterprise identity and compliance platform with a proprietary and end-to-end identity management solutions mainly offered to top tier financial institutions and governments globally. Scanovate's solution helps guide the flow of any digital transaction in the most secure and regulatory compliant way.

For more information on the discussion or if you would like to connect with the panellists, please reach out to [email protected]
