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KPMG Matchi Master Demo Session: iidentifii and Arcus Capital


Matchi Master Demo - Modo

Every month, our Emerging Tech Lead, Sashreka Pillay hosts a live demo session to showcase two best-in-class emerging technologies to our KPMG colleagues around the world. The selected firms have roughly 20 minutes each to demonstrate the benefits of their solution and how it can be implemented to benefit KPMG clients – looking at the problem (s) addressed as well as how it works.

Demo 1: iidentifii
A remote biometric digital authentication and automated on-boarding technology platform, iidentifii fulfills the needs of customer-focused organizations that are required to authenticate and on-board customers. It makes use of a frictionless, proven process that meets customer intelligence, risk and compliance goals, as well as ticking all the boxes from a governance and legislative perspective.

Demo 2: Arcus Capital
Simple real time investing through a goal based advice engine powered by machine learning and big data. Arcus Capital has created a robo advisor with advanced investment algorithms that trawl the markets and analyse them using big data. Analytics generate insight into the portfolios, forecasting maximum loss scenarios and projecting returns or probabilities.

Keep in touch
Contact us for any additional information on iidentifii or Arcus Capital. We would be delighted to arrange a special demo for your clients with any of the 6000+ solutions on the Matchi portal.
